Risk Assessment Tool

The Risk Assessment Tool helps identify potential pest infestation risks at the premises.

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Based on the risk assessment, a site pest management plan will be developed. This first and foremost will focus on pest-proofing the facility, or in other words, putting into place physical measures and workflows that reduce the likelihood of pests gaining access to the premises. This may be influenced by numerous factors, not the least of which may be climate, geography, neighboring properties, the layout of the site and the condition of the building itself.

It is likely that there may be some building repairs, modifications, or changes to site processes recommended. As these will be captured as part of the site plan it is very important that these recommendations are carried out, otherwise it may be concluded that the pest management plan was not appropriately implemented. This again underpins the importance of a close working relationship between the pest manager and the site safety manager.

 Inside the site, they type of materials processed and product produced can have bearing on the type of pests one may expect to find. The processes around import and export of raw and finished goods, site hygiene and staff practices will also be taken into consideration. 

Once one can conclude that certain pests may be attracted to the site the plan will need to acknowledge the ‘action thresholds’ or rules by which a pest infestation may be defined and declared a problem. This will take into consideration not just the likelihood of the pest being present, but also the severity of the problems that may be cause by the pest.

Next the plan will clarify pest monitoring devices and procedures, as well as an inspection schedule. An effective plan will also include clear directions for site staff to play a role in the early detection of pests and formal recording of this activity. It is advisable for site staff to undertake basic pest identification training so they can identify and escalate any signs of pest activity.

All this activity will ultimately be captured in a regular series of reports. The reports don’t just reveal the status of the site with regard to pest activity. They also provide assurance that all the correct preventative measures and inspection procedures have taken place. This is especially important in an environment where safety audits are a regular requirement. Reporting documentation will capture the details of any pest control products used on site along with all their details. The reports should of course also capture the details of any pest activity and the corresponding corrective actions. Capturing this data enables the development of a trend analysis over time, which can be used to achieve and demonstrate continued improvement in pest management.

This is just a brief outline of what goes into a good integrated pest management plan, but it should serve to demonstrate that effective pest management can never be an afterthought. With a sound understanding of the site’s risk points, and detailed planning, monitoring and reporting you can have confidence that you and your pest manager are working together for the best possible results. 

The Risk Assessment tool is available at https://www.uk.envu.com/Pest-Management/Pest-risk-assessment