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What is a Vector?

  • A vector is any living organism (like mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies) that carry and transmit a disease causing organism into another living organism


How does a vector transmit pathogen into human beings?

  • Most of the vectors are blood feeders in one or all stages of their lives. When the vectors feed on blood of humans, the pathogen/ parasite enters the blood stream. After entering the body, the parasite multiplies and cause disease.


What is Public Health?

  • Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals.


What is a vector borne disease?

  • Diseases transmitted by vectors are called vector borne diseases.


What are common vector borne diseases in India?

  • Some of the common vector borne diseases in India includes Malaria, Dengue, Kala Azar, Plague, Filariasis, Chickungunya, Lyme disease, Japanese encephalitis. 


What are common vectors that cause vector borne diseases in India?

  • Some of the common vectors that cause vector borne diseases in India includes mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks, fleas, etc. 


How can vector borne diseases be controlled?

  • There are different methods of controlling vector borne diseases. But these methods are not effective when used alone. Thus, Integrated Vector Management is the most effective way of controlling vector borne diseases.


What is Integrated Vector Management or IVM?

  • Integrated Vector Management (IVM) is defined by WHO as a rational decision-making process to optimize the use of resources for vector control. It is based on evidence and integrated management, promoting the use of a range of interventions – alone or in combination – selected on the basis of local knowledge about the vectors, diseases and disease determinants. 


What are different methods that can be used in IVM?

  • IVM involves integration of various non-chemical and chemical methods in a rational way. This includes physical, mechanical, biological, genetic and chemical interventions.